I Go to God and Therapy

I Go to God and Therapy

I was raised, like many of us, that you don’t tell your business to people but when you identify with being co-dependent to include abandonment, perfection and pretty intense anxiety issues, not to mention catastrophizing and hyper vigilance (learned recently) at some point I knew that something more had to happen in my healing journey.

Now understand, God was already showing me my pathway because I started becoming very close personally with a number of mental health professionals. Some of my closest friends, to this day, are clinical therapists, social workers and doctors of the mind.

I would talk to them a lot but didn’t want to burden them with all my issues and I mean I had a lot of issues y’all. Marriage, kids, work, money, and my soul was weighed down. I needed to not just talk about it, but I needed to know what someone else was seeing in these patterns and help me understand why I was self-sabotaging and overcompensating all at the same time.

I won’t go into all of my business, but I’ll tell you this, there is much work to be done but I’m doing what I can to examine, be honest, and gain tools to overcome the things that have hindered me most in this life.

I am apologizing to my kids a lot, lol, because mommy was (and still kinda is) high strung and as recent as last night during my session, some more things were brought to my attention about my impulsivity.

I’ll tell you this though, for every session that I have with a therapist, God the Holy Spirit is present and whether my therapist is a believer or not, I talk about my Jesus and the revelations that I believe He gives me sometimes right in the midst of therapy. I got a good one last night y’all, but it is something that I have to work on correcting because I’m doing something based on my experiences as a kid, as a 40-ish years old.

Therapy may not be for everyone, but I believe it’s for the majority. I was selling a design on my Etsy store that said “God already knows, tell a therapist” lol and people purchased it. Mental health awareness is a yearlong commitment. Caring for yourself is the best care you can give to others. Love your neighbor as yourself and that’s the command only after making sure God is your first love.

God isn’t to be excluded from anything that we do. So, get the counsel you need cause life is life’n something serious and we are not meant to do life alone and hear me, as much as your family and friends love you and understand you, there are somethings they will not be able to walk you through. At the very least trained counselors/therapist have skills to identify behaviors both good and not so good and help you become aware and provide tools in navigating the waters of life better.

Shout out to my therapist who shuts down my negative self-talk but checks me when I’m being stubborn. Encourages me to keep going but reminds me why I have to slow down.

Therapist, like doctors and dentist and every other kind of care we need for our bodies are needed for our minds and God is in the midst of it all. Remember Jesus was called “wonderful counselor”, Holy Spirit is our live in helper (whew that’s a reason to shout) and God wants His Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven and we're gonna have some good sense when get there but we can have some now too with wise counsel today.

Be a light!

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